Travels to the impossible: "To make a film; you first have to climb a mountain"
Organized by: MARCO, Museum of Contemporary Art of Vigo
Teacher: José Manuel López, with the collaboration of guest speakers
Number of sessions: 23
LIMITED SEATS AVAILABLE. Inscription and registration from 17th September
Price: €190 (20% discount for members of the Friends of MARCO Association and students, upon accreditation). Payment can be fractioned following the dates and conditions indicated on the registration form.
For every film that sees the world, many remain in the limbo of the not-filmed. These are the only films that are perfect because they only exist as a potential, as an idea or as a dream. Perhaps the beauty of cinema lies precisely in its improbability and perishability, in the miracle of its technological machinery, which will always be conditioned by imperfection, anomaly, defect or error. Inside each film exists the possibility of "not being" and the history of cinema will always be a negotiation between its possible films, that is, those films that were filmed and are still preserved; and the impossible ones, those that were never filmed or were lost forever.
This course is dedicated to one of the most beautiful stories of cinema, which is that of melancholic creators who, as Walter Benjamin said about Kafka, are constantly courting "the purity and beauty of failure". Those creators want everything, and many times, they do not get anywhere. They accept chance as a part of their stories, and continue to advance despite accidents. They do not stop searching for their north star, even though they have lost it long ago, and accept being drift away as a creative route. Moreover, on the horizon, always, the possibility of not arriving or never reaching their goal. However, in the meantime, may the journey be beautiful.
Image: photograph by Fitzcarraldo