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Xosé Carlos López Bernárdez

Xosé Carlos López Bernárdez
(Vigo, 1958) taught Galician Language and Literature until 2018. He took a degree in Geography and History, Art History section. He is an essayist of artistic and literary themes and exhibitions curator. He usually collaborates in newspapers and magazines.

His work in the field of cultural analysis has two main lines: the first one is devoted to the study of Galician literature in the 20th century, paying special attention to avant-garde movements. The second one is focused on the field of art history, oriented to the construction of analysis, mainly about Galician art, which implies a decentralization of the stories (breaking the centre/periphery scheme). In his works he analyses the gaps in the study of Galician art and on the displacement of our narratives. These narratives are absent in a history of art written by a centralizing gaze in which we do not recognize ourselves, and where many works have no space.

Bernárdez collaborates as an art critic in the cultural section Faro da Cultura of the newspaper Faro de Vigo.