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Carme Nogueira

Carme Nogueira (Vigo, Spain, 1970) holds a BA in Fine Arts from the University of Salamanca and a Doctorate from the Univeristy of Vigo. Awarded the extraordinary prize during the doctorate course of 2001-2002, Nogueira has worked as an associate professor and researcher at the University of Vigo and benefited from a grant to attend the Hochschule of Berlin. She has also studied with Pedro G. Romero (Quincena de Arte de Montesquiu, 1990) and taken part in projects including the Atelier Christophe Colomb (Bordeaux-Seville-Salamanca, 1993); Encuentros (Bordeaux-Arteleku-Salamanca, 1993); Maastrich Biennial (1993), and Sólo para tus ojos (Arteleku, 1997). She co-founded the arts and culture review Fe (1995-1999).

She is author of La representación como puesta en escena: para una teoría de la mirada (Alfons el Magnanim, ed. Valencia, 2001), which analyses the convergence occurred between art and spectator in post-historical models of representation and explores the various strategies of cultural and political identity that underpin this relationship. Following this line of enquiry, she has also written a number of papers and articles, including Los otros espectadores. Identidades multiculturales (Univ. Vigo 1998), Reinterpretando el privilegio: estrategias de resistencia cotidiana (II Congreso de estudios postcoloniales, 2001) and La representación puesta en escena: contextos (Desacuerdos. Mutaciones del feminismo: genealogías y prácticas artísticas. Arteleku, San Sebastián, April 2005).

Among Nogueira's most salient exhibition projects are her participation in Idensitat (Barcelona, 2007), Nos Camiños (CGAC, Santiago, 2007), La ciudad interpretada (Santiago de Compostela, 2006), the project Travesía de Vigo, with Santiago Cirugeda (Galería adhoc, Vigo, 2006), the Refuxios series (Urbanitas, MARCO de Vigo, 2006; Metrònom, Barcelona, 2005/2006; Galería Adhoc, Vigo 2004/5; Coro de la Universidad de Santiago, 2003), Corpos de producción (Santiago, 2002-2003), El cuerpo extraño (Galería Adhoc, Vigo, 2001), Negro (Galería Visor, Valencia, 2002), Ecosofías (Sala Amadís, Madrid, 2000) and in the Bienal de Pontevedra (2000).